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Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist

Patients fly in from all over the country and the world to see Dr. Diaz. This world map shows a sample of the numerous places around the world that his patients have come from.

Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist
Dr. John Diaz Abdominoplasty Specialist

If you do not live in the Los Angeles area, and are interested in having surgery with Dr. Diaz, you will need to complete an online consultation. You can also click on the "Online Consultations" tab located on our website. We will contact you as soon as we receive the consultation forms. If you decide to have surgery, there will be several steps to follow. These are outlined below.   

Prior to Arrival

Once the online consultation is completed, there are several items that must be completed prior to your arrival. We will need to order several routine blood tests before you can have surgery. You should plan on seeing your regular doctor for this, or know of one that could take care of all necessary tests. The tests must be done at least 10-14 days before the day of your surgery so that there is sufficient time to obtain and review the results. The exact tests that must be ordered will be determined by your age, general health and planned procedures.


If you are considering breast surgery, and you are over the age of 40, you should plan on having a mammogram, if you have never had one. This must be arranged in advance. If you have had a mammogram, it must have been done within the previous 12 months to be valid. Also, you will need to send us a copy of the report.


If you have any medical problems, or if you are over the age of 45, we will need medical clearance from your doctor. If you do not have a regular doctor, you should arrange for an appointment with one.


You will also need prescription medications after your surgery. These medications must be picked up at least one day before surgery. You can choose to obtain them in Los Angeles after your arrival. This should be arranged in advance.


When making your travel plans, you will need to arrive at least one full day prior to your procedure. In general, you will need to stay at least a week in Los Angeles before you can return home. The exact amount of time depends on your procedure and how far you are traveling. You will need to have an adult with you throughout your stay. If you do not have someone that could accompany you, we will need to arrange for a nurse to take care of you after your surgery. 

The first step is to complete an online consultation. Click below to begin: 

There are numerous options for where to stay while you are in Los Angeles. We can help you make reservations. Our recommendations will depend in part on what procedures you will be undergoing. Patients who will be undergoing extensive surgery will likely need to stay in an overnight recovery facility that provides nursing care. We also prefer that you stay in a location that is close to our office. 

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